Today, I write a short post about how to build an inside aromatic garden from scratch. So put-on your indoor gardening boots (whatever that means), and follow the guide.

Why doing an aromatic garden?

I am french, and obviously —as clichés are always based on something— I like to cook. A big problem though is that the aromatic herbs of my local super-market horrible: the thyme is barely dried, the basil molds in a couple days… It frustrates me that my cooking suffers from such stupid considerations.

Another problem is that I like to have plants in my apartment but I suck at gardening. So I usually buy plants and kill them either by watering it too much or too little (RIP Phillipe the philodendron hederaceum). Then, I come back to square 1, namely an apartment without plant. My hope is that given that aromatic herbs grow fast and are meant to be eaten quickly it will be easier to grow than normal plant. Maybe the logic is twisted but that’s enough to convince myself. So no judgement!

Now, I am motivated to grow aromatic herbs, but what do I need exactly to do so ?

Side note: living in the Netherlands I feel obliged to write aromatic herbs to make sure that there is no confusion

Making The pot

I want to have a pot, that fits exactly on my window sill. My first reflex, as a city boy is to buy it on amazon and be done with it. But somehow I did not find what I wanted (or it was way too over-priced). After, 2h hours of fruitless googling, I decide to check DIY solutions on YouTube. I guess you see it coming, I lost 3h hours extra checking videos more or less related with the topic —including this amazing 6 DIY easy to make plant pots and vases. But suddenly, I had my epiphany: “I Just need to make a wooden box”.

So let’s go to the closest DIY store, and buy: some wooden planks, and some nails. A bit of sawing, and a quarter of the time I spent on Google, and YouTube later, I have it. TADAAA!

From there, I just had to glue some tarpaulin. And I had my homemade wooden pot!

Growing the aromatic herbs

To be continued